This site has been made because of the owner's interest in *NIX systems and programming languages. But above all the need of sharing his knowledge with other people.

I have always found that one of the funniest things is that people try to put on something the label "Best there is". In my opinion, the best does not exist. Nothing is perfect, nothing will ever be perfect.
So there is not one operating system which is the best. Every operating system has it's own advantages and disadvantages. Same goes for programming languages. The use of an operating system or a programming language is most of the time defined by two points:
- which offers what I need;
- which one do I like the most.
For example, I mainly use *BSD operating systems, this does not mean I hate Linux or Windows, it just means *BSD offers what I need and I like to use it.

OpenBSD Make Peace Not War

Enjoy browsing this site and I hope you will find it usefull.

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