
Internet Relay chat

IRC was born in August 1988, it stands for Internet Relay Chat. I will not write down the complete history of IRC here, since other people did that already for me. If you want to know more about it, I would suggest browsing to
This chat environment is still very common used and surely something you should have done once in your life, if you use computers frequently.
I started using IRC in 1998, at that moment still a newbie, but that changed very fast when I started to like it and spend more time on it.
In 2001 I started my own IRC network, because I felt the need for a small, private and stable network. That was the beginning of DimensionNet. This network merged a few months later with a network of a friend, and the name changed to Global-Dimension IRC Network. Although everything seemed to go fine in first instance, we grew in two or three months to 10,000 users, it did not work out in the end. The network started to suffer DDoS attacks and after a few months I decided to leave. Though I also knew that I would not be able to live without my own IRC Network. But I did not have to worry, I started another network and named it After-All IRC Network. But that was not the only network, some other people also came up with the idea to make a dutch only network, so we did that and there it is IRCxs.
The last two networks mentioned still both exist and you can also find me at both. Though for the completion, a complete list of networks where you will always be able to find me, and in which channel:

 Network   Channel   Nick 
 After-All   #Help   OrPhEuS 
 #WaagPlein   Auke 
 Asylo   #Asylo   OrPhEuS 

Due to my interest in programming I do not only own IRC networks, but I also build my own eggdrop scripts, scripts for mIRC, scripts for BitchX and scripts for psyBNC. Ofcourse I only use those because I like them, what I like about those and dislike about others you can read in their sections at this site.

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