
Whois this idiot?

Well it should be someone with lots of time left, else he would not have built this site.
Though the opposite is true. I have enough to do, but a friend of mine inspired me to make my own site to share what I know. Well I do not know that much, but still I liked the idea and you are browsing the result at the moment, hope you like it ;-)

Name  :  Auke
Sex  :  Male
Nicks  :  Auke, OrPhEuS
Used operating systems  :  Windows XP, Windows 2000, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Debian
Scripting/Styling/Programming languages  :  Basic, Visual Basic, Perl, PHP, C, C++, TCL, SH, Lotus Notes Formula & Script, Java, JavaScript, ASP, CSS, HTML, XML, XHTML, Visual Basic .Net, VBA
Databases  :  MySQL, Oracle, Access, Lotus Notes, RBase

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